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  • Writer's pictureJoanne Park

The Power of Medical Legal Exhibits

Updated: Feb 18, 2023

When words fail, medical legal exhibits speak volumes!

Bridging the gap between art and law, medical legal exhibits are created by medical illustrators and are often used in courtrooms and settlement negotiations. They help judges, juries, and attorneys understand complex medical concepts or procedures, and can make a real difference in the outcome of a case.

These exhibits can take many forms, including anatomical drawings or 3D animations. They may depict injuries, surgical procedures, or medical conditions, and are often used to support a particular argument or defense.

In medical malpractice cases, medical legal exhibits can be particularly useful. They can help attorneys demonstrate how a medical professional may have failed to meet the standard of care, or how a patient was harmed as a result of medical negligence. They can also help attorneys explain the effects of an injury or medical condition on a person's life and well-being.

Medical legal exhibits are also used in personal injury cases, workers' compensation cases, and product liability cases. They can be used to show the cause and extent of injuries, the medical treatment required, and the long-term effects of an injury or condition. I have shown two of my illustrations below to show how they may look like.

Overall, medical legal exhibits are a valuable tool in legal cases involving medical issues. They can help make complex medical information understandable and accessible to everyone involved in the case. If you are involved in a legal case that involves medical issues, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who can effectively use medical legal exhibits to support your case.

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